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Thursday, January 15, 2009

sukarkah menjadi suami?

hmm..persoalan ni patutnya para suami yang jawab, kan?

my hubby is ok. may not so handsome but still looks good to me. he may also not that rich but we managed. besides, i didn't want any handsome and too rich husband. cukup sekadar sederhana.

i met my hubby 'accidentally', actually. back in 2002.

i don't remember whether i have blogged this down or not.

i was working back then, in AmBank. had a radio on my counter (i was a teller, of course) and the only channel that can be tuned in to was UFM, UiTM's radio station. been a regular caller and made friend with a dj (no need to mention the name).

nak dijadikan cerita, i called in one day to request a song; 'short skirt, long jacket by CAKE'. when my call being picked up, terus je la sembur as i thought it was my dj friend. and suddenly, suara di hujung talian berbunyi "err..awak salah orang ni. dia tak on air hari ni.." errkk!! malu? memang, but nasib baik dalam tepon. tak nampak dan tak terperasankan. untuk elak lebih malu, aku pun sesaje la sembang lagi. eh..ngam pulak. masa tu the name we use were just 'era & bob'. well, sampai sekarang dia masih lagi dipanggil 'bob' kat radio tu (oh yes, my hubby is still working there).

long story short, we planned to meet that night. he picked me up at my house with his wira. be honest, i had never have any boyfriend who posses own vehicle and there he was..looking very simple and sincere. though not handsome, he has a sweet smile.

since that night, we met almost everyday. he picked me up and send me home after work, everyday. been friends for about 2 weeks, i asked him to have brekfast with my family and there he came, on Sunday (he's working on that day). my parent had just came home from their weekend jog and my mum made her famous and delicious cekodok. one thing regarding that day that my parents and i cannot forget. how selamba he was, asking for sos cili to be eaten with the cekodok my mum made. dad laughed as soon as he left. tak bleh tahan agaknya. jadi bahan cerita, sampai sekarang.

then, he brought me to meet his family the next week. i've met his sister, before that. biasalah, abang nak tayang gf, tunjuk kat adik his parents', i was stunned. not once or twice, but many times. hardly can recall. 1st, they treated me so well. 2nd, the food was so many on the table and everything's delicious. aku jenis tak reti makan banyak2 lauk, terkial-kial nak pilih makanan. then, belum reda lagi kekenyangan, mak dia tanya plak soalan maut, 'bila nak langsung?' terkujat jap aku dan terus jawab, 'takkan saya pulak, zairi la..' sambil tersipu-sipu beruk. klaka? truly!

we've been friends for less than a month, then we decided to tie the knot. not all of our family members knew this. but, what can i say, dah jodoh. memang banyak asam garam, ribut taufan dan segala macam hujan banjir melanda. tapi itu semua lumrah. mematangkan seseorang. merajuk? banyk kali..gaduh? bertikam lidah? pun banyak kali juga. tapi bila dah lama2, rasa sayang tu makin tebal, masing2 akan mula berfikir secara bijak untuk mengelak perkara sedemikian untuk kerap berlaku.

semoga ikatan yang dimeteri akan kekal ke akhir zaman..semoga anak-anak yang dikurnia menjadi penyeri, akan juga menjadi nur dalam hidup kami selamanya. Insya Allah.

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