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Friday, December 25, 2009

i'm only human

great phrase, eh?

yeah. have to agree.
but that doesn't mean that i have to just do and accept everything blindly.

that too, doesn't mean one can do whatever they please towards me, and later blaming the fate.

what a loser.


Farra Da Smiley said...

human that carry many responsibilities era ..take caree

Hazerin said...

i'm only human..and so??

"klu aku manusia, ko boleh pijak2 kpala aku? ko bukan mnusia ke??? ko xde wat silap??"

mcm tu lah lebey kurang, kak.

klu ade org buli akak, bg jek ayat ni. hahaha.

tetiba emosi.

Unknown said...


thanx fara..

rin..lawak! hahaha..wokehhhh!


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